Hooks Example

Implementing, defining, and invoking hooks

The code in this module implements a couple of new features which you can see in action.

Implements hook_help(): In hooks_example.module you'll find an implementation of the hook hook_help() which is used to add contents to this module's help overview. Visible at admin/help/hooks_example.

View counts: hooks_example_node_view() is an implementation of the hook hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view() that adds a basic page view counter. You can see this in action by navigating to any node on the site and looking for the the text telling you how many times you've viewed that page.

Don't have any nodes? Add some and look at their counters.

Implements hook_form_alter(): In hooks_example.module you'll find an implementation of hook_form_alter() which demonstrates the use of one of the most commonly used alter hooks. You can view the altered form at user/login.

To learn more about how to implement an existing hook, or how to define and invoke a new hook start by reading the @docblock comments in hooks_example.module.